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Home > Featured Products > MBE7000 > Checking the port speed of the Linksys MBE7000
Checking the port speed of the Linksys MBE7000
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You can log in to the page of the Linksys MBE7000, to view or make changes to the router’s settings. This article will show you how to check the port speed of your modem and wired devices through the node's web browser.


1. Log in to the page.

2. Click on Troubleshooting.

3. Click on Status > Report. In the Ports chart, you can check the speed at which the WAN and LAN ports are running.

The Linksys MBE7000 supports 2.5 Gbps on the Internet port. Depending on what your modem's port supports, the speed will appear in its corresponding section in the chart. In the example below, the modem has a 2.5 Gbps speed and is connected at that speed, as indicated by an "X" mark in the 2.5 Gbps column. 

You can also check which ethernet (LAN) ports are being used and their corresponding speed.


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