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Home > Setup / Installation > Mesh Systems > Setting up a Linksys Mesh Router using the Web UI
Setting up a Linksys Mesh Router using the Web UI
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This article will help you set up the Linksys Mesh Router using the Web UI. 

Before you begin:

Make sure you have the following ready:


  • A laptop or desktop computer.
  • A modem or modem-router that is connected to the internet port of the node. If you have a standard modem, you may need to power cycle the modem, just by turning it OFF and back ON.
  • Write down the default WiFi name and password located at the bottom of the parent node.



1. Turn ON the node and wait until the light is solid purple.

2. Connect your laptop to the default WiFi name of the node and enter the default WiFi password when prompted.

You can also connect to the node via an ethernet port.

3. Open a web browser, type “” in the Address bar, and hit [ENTER].


If you receive any browser warning messages, follow these instructions to bypass the browser message.


4. Click on the mobile image.


5. Enter “admin” as the default router password and click Sign In.


6. Click on the CA link at the bottom right-hand side.


7. Click on Connectivity under Router Settings.


8. Click on the CA Router Setup tab.

9. Create a WiFi name (SSID) and WiFi Password and click on Setup Node

The WiFi password is case-sensitive.


While the settings are being applied, you will temporarily lose WiFi connectivity. Click Ok.


10. The light on top of the node will start to flash.

11. Connect to the new home WiFi you have created to continue setup.

Once connected, you will see the Your Master Node is now Configured message.


12. If you want to add child nodes, power ON your child node and wait until the light is solid purple. Click on Add Wireless Child Nodes and wait for the child node’s light to turn solid blue. For wired nodes, connect your nodes to the network with an ethernet cable, wait until the light is solid purple, and then click on Add Wired Child Nodes. When the child nodes have a solid blue light, click Ok.  

If you don’t want to add child nodes, proceed to the next step.

13. Go to the Basic tab and click Edit to change your admin password. Once done, click Apply, and then Ok to save changes.


14. Check if your node is online.


  • If the light on the node is solid blue, your node is online; you have completed setting up your network.
  • If the light does not turn blue, you can try the following:
  • Power cycle your modem and wait if the light turns solid blue after a few minutes.
  • If you use a PPPoE connection or any other type of connection, you will need to enter your internet settings manually. Go to the Internet Settings tab > Edit > and choose PPPoE or another Type of Internet Connection. Enter your connection settings and click Ok then wait for the light on the node to turn solid blue.

You can also check the internet status on the dashboard within the Network Status widget.


You should now have successfully set up your network.

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