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Home > Advanced Configurations > WiFi Routers > Configuring the Time Zone setting on the Linksys Dual-Band WiFi Router
Configuring the Time Zone setting on the Linksys Dual-Band WiFi Router
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Changing the Time Zone setting in your Linksys Dual-Band WiFi Router will adjust your device’s time to your local time. Follow the steps below to learn how.
1. Log in to the Linksys Dual-Band WiFi Router web interface.

2. Click the Configuration tab.

3. Click Administration.

4. Click Time Zone.

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5. Click the drop-down button beside the Time Zone to select the option that applies to your local time. In the example below, the Pacific Time was selected.
You can also check the box beside the Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes.

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6. Click Save.
You have successfully changed your Time Zone settings.

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