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Home > Connectivity > Connecting a Mac® computer to a wireless network with disabled SSID broadcast
Connecting a Mac® computer to a wireless network with disabled SSID broadcast
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Disabling the SSID broadcast of a Linksys router hides your wireless network from wireless devices. When a wireless device scans the area for available networks, your SSID will not appear unless it is manually added to the list of available networks through Other Networks.


This article will show you how to connect to a wireless network with the SSID broadcast disabled.


Before connecting, make sure you take note of the following:


  • Wireless Network Name (SSID)
  • Wireless Security Key or Password
  • Security Mode or Encryption type (WEP, WPA, WPA2)


1. Click on the Airport icon located at the upper right corner of your desktop screen then select the Join Other Network… option.


2. Enter your Wireless Network Name (SSID) and select your Wireless Security type.


3. Enter your Wireless Security key or Password, then click Join.


QUICK TIP:  You may check the Show password box to view the Wireless Security key or Password that you entered. You may also tick the Remember this network box if you want the computer to automatically connect to the network when it is in range.


Your computer should now be connected to the wireless network. The SSID will then be displayed when you click on the Airport icon.




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